Philadelphia Public Art

Nearby 39.984550,-75.166725

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Recovering World
Lynn Denton, 2001 - 2002
* big furniture, seated people, headgear, people together, parts of people, sun and stars, globe, abstract shapes, musical instruments, boat, water, buildings, symbols
* An ArtWell project designed and built with help from the recovering addicts at New Jerusalem and local children.
* Partially on the wall. East side of New Jerusalem Now. Northwest corner, 20th and Norris.
* 39.984550,-75.166725 [map] [nearby]
* On the Temple Southwest tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Peace and Love, Mosaic
* See also:

The Men Can Pledge
2004 (approximate)
* big pledge
* inscription:
As a man I know the realities of violence against women & children. I have taken a hard look at the facts. Millions of women & children are beaten, raped, sexually harassed & stalked every year. These women & children live in fear of what tomorrow might bring. Today I take a stand to stop the violence because I am the friend, family, & companion of those who have suffered. I have made a commitment to turn my private concern into public action. I promise to treat all women & children with dignity & respect. I will intervene when I see destructive behaviors that can dehumanize & humiliate others. I will defend those who cannot defend themselves by taking action. I will promote a new kind of society where decency & respect require no special day on the calendar, where boys are taught that violence does not equal strength & where men stand with courage, lead with conviction & speak with one voice that says "no more".
* Wall. Southeast corner, 20th and Berks.
* 39.982775,-75.166400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Temple Southwest tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified, Mosaic