Philadelphia Public Art

Nearby 39.952640,-75.199250

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Bryan Hunt, 1980 - 1981
* small abstract form
* In front of Perry World House. West side of 38th, North side of the Locust Walk Bridge.
* 39.952640,-75.199250 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also:

Alexander Liberman, 1974
* big abstract arch
* Spanning Locust Walk at 36th Street.
* 39.952700,-75.200600 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* Exhibits: Favorites
* See also:'s Alexander Liberman page

Life Savers
Billie Lawless, 1982
* big Lifesavers
* Was at 39th Street between Spruce and Baltimore (39.950750,-75.200900). Moved late 2014. Not clear if this is permanent or temporary. The last picture is from the new location and shows paint loss on the red piece.
* Northeast corner of the Veterinary Hospital. Southwest corner, 38th and Spruce.
* 39.951150,-75.199425 [map] [nearby]
* On the University City South Medical Complex tour
* Exhibits: Moved
* See also:'s Billie Lawless page
+Ryan Veterinary Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Homage to Georgia O'Keeffe
Thom Cooney-Crawford, 1986
* Homage to Georgia O'Keeffe
* small abstract standing person
* Northeast corner 38th and Spruce, through the arch.
* 39.951625,-75.198450 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also:

Lindemann Fountain
* In memory of Joseph S. Lindemann
* small fountain plants
* In the small park on the Northwest corner of 37th and Locust Walk.
* 39.952460,-75.197200 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified
* See also:
+NY Times obituary for Joseph S. Lindemann

Benjamin Franklin's Way
* Quotes from Benjamin Franklin
* ideas, abstract steles
* inscription: (partial)
An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth a Pound of cure. - 1735
Diligence is the Mother of Good-Luck. -1736
Well done is better than well said. - 1737
A true Friend is the best Possession - 1744
There are no Gains without Pains. - 1745
He's a Fool that cannot conceal his Wisdom - 1745
Doors of wisdom are never shut. - 1755
Half the Truth is often a great Lie. - 1758
* 37th between Walnut and Locust.
* 39.952800,-75.196975 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also: article about this piece
+The Electric Franklin

All Saints Sculpture Garden
Syd Carpenter, 1988
* In memory of Mary Gorman and Andrew Nippes
* multiple people, hands and faces
* inscription:
In memory of Mary Gorman (1896-1986) and Andrew Nippes (1918-1987). Two of the Lord's children in transition toward becoming saints.
And there are some who have left no memorial, who have perished as though they had not lived.
But these were persons of mercy whose righteous deeds have not been forgotten

-Sirach 44: 9a, 10
* Courtyard. St. Mary's Hamilton Village. South side of Locust Walk between 39th and 40th. The courtyard can be reached by the walkway on the East side of the church.
* 39.952450,-75.201750 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also: profile for Syd Carpenter

Benjamin Franklin
George Lundeen, 1987
* Statue of Benjamin Franklin
* small seated person, bench, eyeglasses, cane, newspaper, pigeon
* East side of 37th Street, just South of Locust Walk.
* 39.952150,-75.196975 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also:
+george @
+The Electric Franklin

Andrea Blum, 2018 (original configuration 2006)
* big abstract shelter, benches
* Was on the other side of Locust Walk. Moved to the new location and reconfigured in 2018 when a new dorm was built on the North side. The plaque lists it as 2006/2018. The first 3 pictures are from the original location.
* East side of 40th, South of Locust Walk.
* 39.952725,-75.202725 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* Exhibits: Moved
* See also:

Penn Quad Gargoyles
1894 - 1911
* small crouching and horizontal people, heads, headgear, squirrel, seahorse, donkeys, frogs, dragon, balls, shields, books, food, staff, musical instruments
* Walls. Penn Quad. South side of Spruce from 36th to 38th.
* 39.950875,-75.197400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* Exhibits: Gargoyles
* See also: entry for the Quad

The Class of 1956 Trolley
Gomaco Trolley Company, 2006
* big trolley
* inscription:
The Class of 1956 Trolley is a replica of Peter Witt trolleys that carried generations of commuting students to Penn from all parts of the region and also provided convenient access from campus to cultural and other attractions in Center City, Philadelphia.
With noisy steel wheels and clanging bells, these trolleys created a constant interruption to campus life and were an unforgettable part of the Penn experience. Operated by The Philadelphia Transportation Company (a precursor to SEPTA), Routes 11, 34, and 37 ran through the Penn campus on Woodland Avenue and Locust Street for nearly 65 years. In 1956 they were relocated underground, enabling the University to begin conversion of the campus to a unified and attractive landscape environment. Woodland Avenue and Locust Street became the first pedestrian walkways through the campus.
The Class of 1956 Trolley was fabricated by the Gomaco Trolley Company in October, 2006. The original Peter Witt Trolleys were manufactured by J.G. Brill from 1923-26.
* Entrance. 37th Street Green Line Station. North side of Spruce, East of 37th. .
* 39.951125,-75.196900 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* Exhibits: Mass Transit
* See also:'s 37th Street Station page

Lily Composition #3
Anne Froehling, 1993
* fountain, plants
* Plaza. Woodland Walk between 37th and Spruce and 36th and Locust Walk.
* 39.951440,-75.196300 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour

Tabernacle Presbyterian Church
Theophilus Parsons Chandler Jr. (Architect), Henry Christopher McCook, Michael F. Scully, 1884 - 1886
* Symbols of and references to Jesus, Saint John, Saint Luke and Saint Mark
* dragons, plants, partial cherubs and angels, winged lion, winged ox, eagle, sun, candle, fire
* Rev. McCook is reported to have chosen the inscriptions
* inscription:
North Entrance: I am the door.
tower: My Goodness and My fortress. My High Tower and My Deliver. He in whom I trust.
East Entrance: We have seen his star in the East and are come to worship him.
He is risen.
Lampades multae, una lux.
Christus Exaltus Salvator.
Lux lucet in tenebris
Nec tamen consumebatur.
* North and East sides. Tabernacle United Church. Southwest corner, 37th and Chestnut.
* 39.954500,-75.196800 [map] [nearby]
* On the Chestnut 29th to 40th tour
* Exhibits: New, Religious, Gargoyles
* See also:'s page for the building
+Gargoyle Hunter's page for the building's Theophilus P. Chandler Jr. page's Henry Christopher McCook page's Michael F. Scully entry's Jesus page's John the Evangelist page's Luke the Evangelist page's Mark the Evangelist page

Liber Libere Omnibus
* idea, book hand, sun,
* Latin for "free to all".
* Wall. Walnut Street West Library. East side of 40th, South of Walnut.
* 39.953810,-75.202580 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also:

Tabernacle United Church Signs
Lynn Denton, 1999
* signs, religious symbols and imagery, boat, Earth, food, sitting and standing people, birds, plants, musical instruments, sheep, hands, water
* tiles painted by the congregation
* Tabernacle United Church. Southwest corner, 37th and Chestnut.
* 39.954800,-75.196650 [map] [nearby]
* On the Chestnut 29th to 40th tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Peace and Love, Mosaic
* See also: