Christopher William Purdom
Philadelphia poet, heretic, and graphic artist
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Copyright 2022 Christopher William Purdom

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I had an idea of a snake wrapped around the word ZOLOS. The snake is from a bunch of very old pen and ink drawings of snakes in their natural habitats that I found online. I removed everything but the snake, converted the darker bits to blue and the lighter bits to yellow using the magic wand feature on Photoshop Elements. I then added the text, figuring out font and relative size relative to the snake, and sliced the snake into two layers, putting the top layer at the back, then the text, and then the bottom layer to achieve the effect of the snake interacting with the text in a way that's more ethereal than wrapping. Finally I added PHILADELPHIA as the front most layer, overlapping the snake to give the effect of really being in front of the rest of the picture. I wear this on a hoodie with the Local 127 graphic on the back.

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